Writing a Will is one of the most personal and significant decisions you’ll ever make.
It’s important to take the time you need and have all the information to help you make up your mind. Here’s a selection of some of the most common questions that we answer for our supporters. If you have any questions not covered here please contact us to talk about your situation.
Q. How do I make a gift to Rebound WA in my Will?
- If you wish to remember Rebound WA in your Will, you can work with your solicitor or trustee. If you don’t have a solicitor or trustee, you can find one using the resources in the “Useful Links” page.
- We have also suggested wording as a guideline to review and provide to your solicitor.
- It is important to note in your Will that gifts are left to the Rebound WA and also include reference to our ABN 64 621 590 101
Q. I don’t want my family and friends to miss out, what should I do?
A. We’d encourage you to make sure that you look after you family and friends first, and then divide whatever is left over to go towards your favourite charities.
Often our supporters leave 90% of their estates to their family and friends and then leave instructions to divide the remaining 10% between their chosen charities.
However, we do recommend you speak to a solicitor, Trustee company or financial advisor to get their advice and make sure your final wishes are reflected in your Will.
Q. What if I don’t have a large estate?
A. It’s a common myth that only the rich, famous or eccentric can leave money to charity in their Wills. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Thousands of Australians from all walks of life leave gifts to their favourite charities every year. Every gift we receive, however large or small, is important to us. They all add up. Even a small percentage of your estate can make an enormous difference in enabling possibilities for generations to come.
Q. What is including a gift in my Will going to cost me?
A. Writing or updating a Will is not as expensive as you might think. Solicitors can provide estimates on request, but the cost will depend on how complex your personal affairs are. You can include a gift to Rebound WA whenever you next have to revise or update your Will at no extra cost. Search for a local solicitor using our useful links.
Q. Can I add a gift to Rebound WA in my existing Will?
A. If you’ve already written a Will but would like to add a gift to Rebound WA you can easily do so by adding a codicil – which is a short legal amendment – to your existing Will with the help of your solicitor. Visit our useful links page to find your local solicitor or Trustee Company.
Q. How will Rebound WA use the bequest gift I leave in my Will?
A. Your gift left for general purposes will provide Rebound WA with the ability to continue to enable possibilities for generations of people living with a physical disability, through sporting, recreational and social opportunities. If you would like your gift to go towards something specific, please contact us to discuss your options.
Q. Can I tell you once I’ve included a gift in my Will?
A. We recognise and appreciate that your Will is completely personal to you and we’ll honour your gift with the care, sensitivity and respect it deserves.
If you would like to tell us, then we would love to hear from you. Surprises are nice, but it helps us if we know a bequest is planned. In particular we value the chance of thanking you personally in advance rather than your executor. We can also give you a greater choice for how you would like us to communicate with you in the future.
For further information or to ask us any questions, please contact the Rebound WA office on 08 6143 5800 or email admin@reboundwa.com