Reconnect and Get Active
Our Reconnect and Get Active initiative aims to reach out and connect with individuals in the community whom we have been unable to connect with and who have been severely impacted by the pandemic. In 2022, it is even more essential to reconnect with our community, reach more hospitals and clinics, and speak with those individuals that we have missed, building upon their mental and physical health, through our programs.
Our aim is to remove barriers, both physical and mental, so children and adults with physical disabilities can have the same participation opportunities as their able-bodied peers. For over 60 years, we have offered encouragement and information, sport and recreation, advocacy, education and community.
The initiative’s goals:
- To assist individuals with a physical disability to become more confident within themselves and in a peer environment,
- Learn new skills through different activities tailored to their needs
- Provide valuable support networks for families.
For more information, please email