Wheelchair Challenge

The Wheelchair Challenge is an event that challenges people to spend just one day of their life in a wheelchair while raising funds for Rebound WA.

There are a wide variety of circumstances that result in the necessity to live life in a wheelchair. Many of those could be experienced by you, or someone in your life. The Wheelchair Challenge provides you with an opportunity to have first-hand experience of what life is like in a wheelchair while raising much-needed funds to help us continue to make a difference in our community.

We call it a challenge for a reason. You will be challenged by accessibility issues in workplaces, shops and in many public spaces and facilities. You will learn a different way of dealing with everyday situations such as opening doors, crossing roads, navigating around furniture and even preparing meals. You also gain a new perspective on how people in wheelchairs are viewed and treated.


Our inaugural Wheelchair Challenge (“The Challenge”) was held in 2014 which focussed on the Corporate sector.

The Challenge was then expanded in 2015 to include a Community Wheelchair Challenge. The aim of both Wheelchair Challenges was to raise much needed funds to support the important work we do in providing social, recreational and sporting opportunities for people with disabilities.

In 2022, The Challenge will continue to include both the Corporate as well as the Community and School sectors. Check out the leaderboard here.

Research shows there is a 30% participation gap in sport, recreation and social programs between people with a physical disability and their able bodied peers. Our aim is to narrow this gap. We want children and adults with a physical disability to have the same opportunities as their able bodied peers. Having a disability should not impact on your ability to lead a full and happy life.


The Wheelchair Challenge is an event which challenges people to spend just one day of their life in a wheelchair.

The main aims of the Wheelchair Challenge are to:

  • Raise much needed funds to help us continue the work we do;
  • Raise awareness of the work we do in the community; and
  • Raise awareness of the challenging daily accessibility issues encountered by people with a physical disability, by providing their able bodied peers with the opportunity to have first-hand experience in a wheelchair.

Would you like to have a look at what’s involved? Read some of our great Testimonials from our Wheelchair Challengers.

Check out some of the great media coverage that we have had below.



In 2022 we are continuing to offer 3 Challenges – the Community Wheelchair Challenge, the Corporate Wheelchair Challenge and the Schools Wheelchair Challenge. Pick the one which suits you best.

The Community Wheelchair Challenge involves a goal of raising a target of $1,000 and in the case of the Corporate Wheelchair Challenge, the fundraising target is $5,000. Both Challenges will run through the year and culminate on International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) in December 2022. IDPwD is a United Nations sanctioned day that aims to promote an understanding of people with disability and encourage support for their dignity, rights and well-being.

For more information on the details for each of the Challenges, please click on the links below:

Wheelchair Challenge – Information

Wheelchair Challenge – Schools Information

Click here for the Wheelchair Challenge Instructional Video

Are you looking to sponsor a friend doing the Wheelchair Challenge? Head here!


The Wheelchair Challenge can be an incredibly eye-opening experience for anyone who takes it on, no matter their age. Here are some examples of how Challengers have found their experience:

” I didn’t think for a second about how non-wheelchair friendly the world was, nothing in my house or workplace was designed for wheelchair access and that made me think about how these amazing individuals cope in the world, every single day.”- Chloe T

“I really admire people who live in a wheelchair. They deserve a medal.” – Libby (8 years old)

PLC Website

“The experience certainly gave me a different perspective and I have the utmost respect for those who live every day with a physical disability.”- Andrew H

Insurance Commission Web

“The Insurance Commission is proud to be a part of the Wheelchair Challenge to better understand our clients’ challenges” – Kane Blackman

How it Works

Wheelchair Challenge can be tackled by anyone – school groups, corporate and business leaders or members of the community.

There is a fundraising target set for Wheelchair Challenge participants. You can either make the donation yourself or raise the funds from your colleagues and friends. We provide a link and instructions on how to set up your fundraising page, as well as tips on raising funds and generating interest in your Wheelchair Challenge.

You can do Wheelchair Challenge any time that suits you. Once you have confirmed a date, we deliver your wheelchair so you can get acquainted. Check out our instructional video with invaluable advice on techniques you will need the tackle your Wheelchair Challenge.

To see how our fundraisers in 2022 are going, check them out here!

Challenge yourself

All you need to get started is to download the appropriate registration form and send it in. We will get in touch and make it happen.


Wheelchair Challenge – Registration Form 2022


If you have questions or want to talk through any aspect of Wheelchair Challenge, then please contact Clint Morgan on (08) 6143 5800.

Did you know we host a range of activities for adults and children with disabilities to get active?

Read more